Bringing riders together
We are very pleased that you have joined our South Carolina Dressage and Combined Training Association [SCDCTA]. Our members encourage and support the growth of equestrian dressage and combined training in and out of the State of South Carolina and promote, support, and organize equestrian competitions and training sessions. All of our events benefit our community and promote a wonderful camaraderie among our group members.
From the desk of our President
I hope you will participate in activities beyong the chapter level to experience the “bigger” picture of our organization including your regional clinics and award banquets. Highlights from our clinics and events can be seen on the website at Our membership year runs December 1 - November 30th. If you have any questions on the organization or how you can participate in events or volunteer opportunities please don’t hesitate to reach out to or by telephone: (843) 639-9080.
Our dedicated group of individuals.
Fundraising, Sponsorship
and Advertising
Junior/Young Rider Coordinator
Year End Points & Volunteer Hours
Schooling Show Recognition