- Pagan Gilman
Lisa Seger Insurance, Inc.
Bringing young riders along for the adventure
The SCDCTA puts on an annual clinic for our Junior/Young Rider members with an out of state FEI trainer. It's usually a three-day affair and is free of charge to our youth members. Each participant receives two lessons, stabling, meals, educational lectures, fun swag, and friendships with memories to last a lifetime! The clinic is paid for entirely from the SCDCTA youth members' fundraising efforts and sponsorships. The riders are selected based on volunteer hours and applications that must be fulfilled and submitted to SCDCTA's Youth Coordinator by a set date prior to the clinic. We do our best never to turn away a rider with a complete, on time application that has fulfilled all volunteer hours! Auditors are welcomed! Kids audit for free. We ask that adults that are not legal guardians make a donation to the next year's "Junior Fund" for the new clinic.
“As much as it is about being exposed to awesome clinicians, the camaraderie is timeless. I still have friendships from when I participated. The kids swap texts and Instagram, and even though they’re from all over South Carolina and even North Carolina and Georgia — and we have a few eventers participate, too — they’re always texting each other and wishing each other luck at shows, and things like that. The bonding and social experience is really important. The older kids are really good about lifting up the younger ones and helping show the way, too.”
Kathryn Butt
Creating Opportunities for Young Riders
to move Forward and Upward
We feel that it is important to give our youth members access to someone that they would not otherwise be likely to have access to! We choose a clinician(s) that have come up through the high-performance pipeline and have the ability to dialog with the kids about the pros and cons of the equestrian business, how to navigate paperwork for NAYC and the FEI, and how to balance riding life with school life. We want to make someone that these kids see in magazines or on USEF Network become attainable and real! Past Clinicians include: Jodie Kelly, Scott Peterson, Mary-Cameron Rollins Mansfield, Endel Ots, and Kassie Barteau.
• Where/how can I earn volunteer hours?Volunteer hours are eight nonconsecutive hours at a SCDCTA recognized show of the youth member's choosing. The volunteer activity can be anything from running tests to helping show management break down the arenas on Sunday afternoon to manning the bake sale table. We feel that it is important for the kids to learn to give back to the sport, and it helps them make friends and connections while appreciating show volunteers. *The Volunteer Form can be found under the Forms tab on the SCDCTA website.
The application process is implemented to receive a head count on who is attending and to give the children practice at applications. Whether they go on to apply for colleges or The Dressage Foundation grants, the application process is an important one that we at SCDCTA wish to foster.
In conjunction with the February SCDCTA USDF show we put on a bake sale and raffle. And at SCDCTA's second USDF show of the year we host a lemonade stand. We put together a raffle basket(s) full of gift cards and goodies for the USDF Regional Final(s) that SCDCTA youth members attend. We partner with SC Embroidery to sell customized items. We have a fundraiser flier available for circulation. We are always open to new ideas, sponsors, and partners! *All raffle items are donated. Please contact the Youth Coordinator is you'd like to donate!
Thank-you notes are very important to the SCDCTA youth member ranks! There is a “thank you note station” set up at the annual clinic so that participants can write notes to sponsors and the clinician at their leisure over the course of the weekend. Clinic participants are required to write at least 3 notes while at the clinic to various clinic sponsors that way each sponsor receives at least 2 notes. Our clinic and swag would not be possible without our sponsors and taking the time to say “Thank you!” usually means a great deal to them. However, during the clinic is not the only time that the kids write notes. Notes are written during the year for raffle sponsors or other occasions too.
Being a SCDCTA Youth Representative means that you go above and beyond our other youth members! You are among the first to arrive and last to leave the annual clinic to help set-up and/or then clean up. You are responsible for working our fundraisers and will be called on at various times during the year to write articles and/or thank-you notes. Securing sponsorship is a big responsibility and our youth representatives must be prepared to approach tack shops and vendors. Sounds like a lot of work? It is! -But it is FUN! You network and meet people from all aspects of the equestrian industry. The Youth Coordinator happily writes recommendation letters for you, and you receive another prestigious title for your resume!
Past Youth Reps include: Ally Robinson, Suzannah Rogers, Clara Richards, and Jessi Gregory.
Please contact the SCDCTA Youth Coordinator if you are interested in becoming a Youth Rep.!
2023-2024: Lillian Frenzel to Represent Youth as SCDCTA Board Representive