SCDCTA L Program Revival:
SCDCTA is planning Part I of the L Program and then Part 2. The L Program is a financial and extraordinary commitment of volunteers to be successful. We just finished Part 2 in 2023.
2025 L Program Application- part 1 pdf
We are very pleased that you have joined our South Carolina Dressage and Combined Training Association [SCDCTA]. Our members encourage and support the growth of equestrian dressage and combined training in and out of the State of South Carolina and promote, support, and organize equestrian competitions and training sessions. All of our events benefit our community and promote a wonderful camaraderie among our group members.
The SCDCTA has numerous awards for members to compete for at the year end awards banquet held in January. Each discipline, dressage, combined training and eventing, is split into schooling shows, medals and USDF/USEA shows. each category, it is further spilt by adult amateur, Junior/Young Rider and open.
Vintage Rider Award Sponsor
Awarded at each SCDCTA Recognized Show
February in Charleston (2 day show, 1 awarded each day), and April in Camden (2 day show, 1 awarded each day). Also awarded annually at the SCDCTA awards banquet, to recognize the efforts and achievements of competitors over the age of 50.
Submissions must be received by November 30 for the annual award (details tbd)